EU Open Source Week 2025 : Brussels & FOSDEM

The Open Forum Europe has launched this website:

Anything being planned must be announced there too.

Now, FOSDEM 2025 devRooms call is open too: FOSDEM 2025 - FOSDEM 2025 call for devrooms

I propose we apply for a dev room (stands call is also open).

If we can’t get one, how about having an event on Monday 3rd Feb or Wednesday 29th Jan?

We really need to use these events to get together and advance work on Open Source Governance.


Hi @gerardo.lisboa ,

It’s a great idea. However, the devroom is a lot of work to organise.

  • The deadline is in 3 days (Oct 10th) and we need a detailed abstract, with talk examples. Do you have a draft ready ? Do we have an idea of who we would like to have ?
  • Then we need a secured lineup of speakers by Dec 15th ! We need to manage a CFP from top to bottom in 2 months ?

I can surely give some help but not lead this initiative.
Does anyone/a team have the bandwidth to do it?

I’ve already submitted a proposal, as follows, drawing all the organizations into helping:

Please fell free to make any suggestions as this can be edited until the 10th.

Proposal title : Open Source Project Governance

Notes : Every Open Source project requires a manager, which is a role not many developers are willing to take. Managing communities, reducing communication noise, avoiding conflicts, maintaining a diverse and renewed pool of talents, welcoming users and defending against inner and outer aggression, these are all aspects of Project Governance, that several communities have been studying and creating helpful guide and conventions, on can be a key element in the sustainability, longevity, renewal and success of a project.
This devroom has several objectives: - to show developers there are methods and guides to help them manage their project with greater ease; - to engage with developers on better ways to manage their communities; - to foster discussions on the current development of guides and regulations; - to join different communities handling separate aspects of Open Source Governance, so they can all share their knowledge and experience, and learn togetherThis devroom is NOT about: - policy - financing - management tools
Language : en

Why does this proposal fit FOSDEM : All projects need governance, so this topic is of interest to all project leaders attending FOSDEM.
Also, at some point in their career, a developer might want change their role, becoming a technical leader or assume the team management. This room will provide knowledge which might help in their transition.
Another important aspect has to do with conflict resolution, being a better contributor, a nicer person, improving communication with users, bug reporters, new developers, being more aware of the diverse needs of those around them. That is also an important part of this devroom.
Although not code, it is also code (as all rules and guides are).
And it is yet another form to contribute to Open Source.

Prefered slot : Full day (any)

Additional Organiser:

Submitters affinity to the topic : I’ve been involved in Open Source since the late 80’s and contribute to several projects and community governance organizations.
Active member and volunteer in several Open Source, Digital Rights and activism organizations.
Engineer, coder, father.
Dealing with software and hardware since the dawn of the ZX Spectrum, programming assembly with decimal codes…

Relevant URLS :

The proposal was not accepted.
Something I knew it could happen as the number of rooms is very limited.

Maybe another event on Monday afternoon (03.02.25) 14h00-18h00 could be planned?
